Definition And Purposes Of Work Motivation

Flipo (1984) theorized that motivation is a direction of employees in an organization to cooperate in achieving wishes of the employees in order to achieve organizational success. According to Terry G (1986), motivation is a desire contained in an individual encouraging him to perform action (behavior).
 theorized that motivation is a direction of employees in an organization to cooperate in  Definition and Purposes of Work Motivation
In a person, there is a need or desire (wants) of situation outside the object, then how one connects between the needs and the situation outside the object in order to meet the needs intended. Therefore, motivation is a reason (reasoning) of a person to act in order to meet the needs.
In general, the goal of motivation is to move or inspire someone in arising the desire and willingness to do something so as to obtain results or achieve certain goals.
The success of an institution or organization is determined by two main factors; human resources, employee or labor, supporting facilities and infrastructure or work facility. Human resource or employee is more important than supporting infrastructure. Motivation in the organization has very broad intent and purpose.
The purposes of motivation
1. Encourage passion and spirit of employee 
2. Improve employee satisfaction which ultimately will improve the performance
3. Improve employee productivity
4. Improve employee loyalty and integrity
5. Improve employee discipline
6. Improve employee attendance


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