Definition And Elements Of State

Definition of State According to some Experts
 it is always encountered organ or tools that have the ability to impose the will to anyon Definition and Elements of State
According to Prof. Sumantri, state is an organization of power. Therefore, in every country, it is always encountered organ or tools that have the ability to impose the will to anyone residing in the territory.
According to John Locke and Rousseau, state is an agency or organization as the result of public agreement.
According to Max Weber, state is a community that has monopoly on the use of physical force legitimately in certain area.
According to Mac Iver, a state should have three main elements; territory, people, and government.
According to Roger F.Soleau, state is a tool or authority to control and regulate issues that are shared in the name of community.
According to Prof. Mr. Soenarko, State is a community organization that has certain area where state authority applies absolutely as sovereignty.
Prof. Miriam Budiardjo provided the definition of State that is the organization in an area that can legitimately impose the authority on all other power groups and can set goals of the life together. 
Elements of state according to experts:
According to G. Pringgodigdo
1. Must be a sovereign government
2. Have a specific region
3. There are people who live regularly as the nation of state
According to Oppenheimer and Lauterpacht
1. United people 
2. Area or region
3. Sovereign government
4. Recognition of other countries
According to Montevideo Convention 1933
1. There are people
2. There is ​​permanent area
3. The existence of sovereign power
4. Undertaking associated with other countries
5. Recognition of other countries


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