Definition And Causes Of Halitosis
Breath odor or bad breath (halitosis) is a term used to describe a bad odor coming out of the mouth while exhaling, both when speaking and breathing. The emergence of odor is caused by several things, but the most is perkara with the bad digestive organs and oral health conditions.
Causes of bad breath (halitosis):
1. Low Dental health and Oral Health
Leftovers and tartar which are not cleaned regularly will accumulate on tooth surface and the tartar gets into the gums, then can decompose and cause bad breath.
2. Gum disease
Gingivitis, Periodontitis
3. Bacteria
If the teeth are not cleaned regularly, the bacteria will accumulate in the mouth and wedged between the teeth. The compound of these bacteria makes bad breath.
Oral bacteria found between the teeth, cavities, and tongue surface or tonsils (tonsillitis), if they are left too long without cleaning, it will emit bad smell gas that affects the odor released by mouth.
4. Tonsil
A hole on the inside of tonsil (tonsillitis) called crypts is one culprit of the emergence of oral odor. On the swollen tonsil, It is often wedged leftovers and germs that cause bad breath.
5. Stomach Disorder
Stomach disorder or intestines can cause bad breath, especially when burping.
6. Dry mouth
Lack of drinking water and dry mouth are also contributor to the cause of bad breath problem. Therefore, when waking up in the morning, the smell of the mouth is bad.
7. Broken Teeth
Cavities, a lot of plaque, tartar, and broken teeth that are not treated can be the cause of bad breath. Such teeth become a nest of germs and leftovers that cannot be cleaned thoroughly until eventually rot, and can spread mouth odor. Tongue and swollen gums can also be the sources of bad breath if never cleaned.
8. Disease
Bad breath as a sign of disease symptom is bad breath caused by the bolosce of disease or inflammation of the organs.
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