Approaches In Dental Health Education
Approaches in Dental Health Education are divided into four (4):
1. Persuasively Approach
The goal of this approach is making sustainable behavior change within the educational sebuah incarans, although the process takes relatively longer time.
In this approach, it can be done by giving positive remuneration for the educational sebuah incaran that the behavior has changed as we want, by giving gifts, praise, and certain incentives.
2. Pervasively approach
This approach provides real examples and repetition of every event that needs to be learned or imitated by educational sebuah incaran. Here, there is imitation process that is changes in behavior caused by the repetition of events or actions. This educational approach is suitable for educational sebuah incarans with low educational level or toddlers.
3. Compulsively Approach
Indirect approach to the educational sebuah incarans we mean.
4. Coercively approach
Approach by means of coercion, instructive or by threats or specific sanctions if it is not implemented the behavior wanted.
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